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Other Services

Outside of your direct HTTP activity on this site, the author makes available several other ways for you to limit the data he has from you. Specifically, if you have communicated with author via email or SMS, an API is available to request the removal of these messages. Proper documentation and simple tools on this will be provided in the future, but for now you can contact the author for general instructions.


The author uses for phone and SMS services. The default retention of call history and SMS messages is indefinite. However, it is the position of the author that a sender should be allowed to request the deletion of any messages that they have sent at any time. While it cannot be guaranteed that will not retain this information in some form, the logs and messages will be removed from all infrastructure owned and operated by the author.


Similar to SMS messages, the author believes that a sender should be allowed to request the deletion of emails sent. Note that this applies to all recipient addresses at the domain "". If you were to email the author via a business address or other 3rd-party address, the deletion of these emails cannot be achieved by the same means. Submit a request to the address in question and the author will manually delete any messages you wish. In the case of "" address, the author does control the entire email infrastructure and so messages can be gauranteed to be deleted.