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Send SMS Messages

As above, I have an IRC bot which will listen in a private channel for my replies and send them to the recipient via SMS. The receiving script mentioned above, posts inbound messages with a shortcode ID for the recipient, so the bot looks for replies with "xxx: My Reply.", finds out which phone number "xxx" belongs to then sends the message using a dedicated send script (this code also to come soon). Because the sending functionality is separated, I can send messages from other sources including cron tasks, triggered events and so on. I use these latter options to send messages to myself to alert me to things as wide as traffic delays, library book holds/due dates, and camera motion detection.

Audio Conferencing

A while ago I threw together some tools for creating and manipulating audio conferences in PHP which shells out to the API wrapper that I'd already written in my own time. I've come up with a use-case to utilize audio conferences for personal reasons and so I'm currently working on a new revision of this on my own time, strictly in Perl. I'll post more on it when it is completed.

Other Uses

All of the functionality of the API is available using the existing module. Given that it is simply an abstraction to allow for easy generation and parsing of HTTP requests, it should work for all future functionality unless the API changes significantly, as well. For people other than myself, there is a lot of functionality to this API that may be very useful. For example, companies with a frequently growing or changing VoIP userbase could make good use of the DID provisioning and configuration options. People who like changing their routing or voicemail messages at various times in the day could use those features (I'm thinking of doing this). The sky is the limit!